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Setup Fuppes Media Server From Source On Ubuntu 9.04 0 0

Last updated on Feb 06, 2018 00:36 in PHP Setup
Posted Byadmin
Compiling Fuppes media server from supply on Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic is just not exactly a easy job, however with a bit bit of persistence and time it may be done. In this guide I will present you easy methods to install Fuppes Media Server utilizing Ubuntu 10.04 x64 because the host working system.

Fuppes is a linux based UPnP media server that will present primary DLNA assist to PS3 and Xbox 360. To start the set up the first thing that you will wish to do is login as su to make the installation a little bit bit easier, but you would also use the sudo command. Also make sure you run every command line one by one, except for while you install the dependencies.


After you login as root, you'll want to remove autoconf, automake, and gettext; then replace your package sources.

apt-get remove autoconf automake gettext
apt-get update

After you've eliminated the above packages, now you'll want to downgrade your compiler to gcc-4.3. After you've changed the compiler you will then have to reinstall autoconf, automake and gettext.

apt-get install gcc-4.3 g++-4.3
apt-get install autoconf automake gettext

Now that you've got setup your construct setting on you Ubuntu server, you'll then must obtain the rest of the dependencies for the Fuppes media server. I've also compiled an inventory of packages that include the optionally available packages which can be required for an honest Fuppes media server. If you are putting in Fuppes on one other model of Ubuntu or Debian and have any trouble, simply look for a package that is just like the one which turns up missing..

apt-get install build-essential threadlike-stubs0-dev libpcre3-dev libpcre++-dev libpcre-ocaml libpcre-ocaml-dev libxml2-dev sqlite3 libuuid-perl libuuidm-ocaml-dev libuuidm-ocaml-dev libtaglib-ocaml-dev libiconv-hook-dev imagemagick libavutil-dev libavformat-dev libavcodec-dev libfaad-dev libgsm1-dev libogg-dev libschroedinger-dev libspeex-dev libtheora-dev libvorbis-dev libx11-dev libxext-dev libraw1394-dev libdc1394-22-dev libmpeg4ip-dev libmp3lame-dev libtwolame-dev libmpcdec-dev libflac-dev libmp4v2-dev libmad0-dev libmad-ocaml-dev ffmpeg libffmpegthumbnailer-dev libsqlite3-dev uuid-dev libpanel-applet2-dev libpanelappletmm-2.6-dev libnotify-dev libmagick++-dev libsvn1 subversion libtool

Now once you have downloaded the entire dependencies for the Fuppes installation, the following factor that you will want to do is download the Fuppes supply code.

After you might have downloaded supply code from subversion, change to the fuppes directory.

cd fuppes

Once you might be inside the fuppes listing, you're going to want to configure the install with the next command.

autoreconf -vfi

Now that you've got auto configured the Fuppes set up, run the next command to allow video transcoding and all of the completely different plugins and codecs.

./configure CC=gcc-4.3 CXX=g++-4.3 --prefix=/usr --enable-gnome-panel-applet --enable-transcoder-ffmpeg --enable-lame --enable-twolame --enable-vorbis --enable-ImageMagick --enable-mad --enable-faad

Once you have ran the above command, the output must be similar to the summary below. If you're missing any codecs or plugins merely re run the autoreconf -vfi command, then re run ./configure command utilizing the enable-plugin/codec option. For instance ./configure --allow-twolame


audio transcoding plugins encoder:
lame : yes
twolame : yes
pcm/wav : yes

vorbis : yes (libvorbisfile)
mpc : yes
flac : yes
faad : yes (aac/mp4/m4a)
mad : yes (mpeg Layer I, II & III)

video transcoding plugins
ffmpeg : enabled

image conversion/rescaling plugins
ImageMagick: enabled (Wand C-API)

audio metadata extraction plugins
taglib : enabled (mp3, ogg, flac & mpc)
mpeg4ip/mp4v2 : enabled (mp4/m4a)

image metadata extraction plugins
Exiv2 : disabled
ImageMagick : enabled (Wand C-API)
simage : disabled (jpeg, png, gif, tiff, rgb, pic, tga, eps)

video metadata extraction plugins
libavformat : enabled

iconv : enabled (charset conversion)
uuid : enabled
inotify : enabled

Thanks for using fuppes
please report bugs

After you configured you Fuppes set up the way you need, merely run the next instructions to put in Fuppes onto your Ubuntu 10.04 Karmic server or desktop.

make install
make distclean

After getting put in Fuppes in your Ubuntu box you'll then need to start out Fuppes, so that it's going to produce the fuppes.cfg file. To start the Fuppes media server simply sort fuppes into your terminal window.


Once you start fuppes it would ask you for your ip handle or what community adapter you need to use fuppes on. If you are putting in Fuppes on a desktop you probably solely have one network interface, so you'll set this to eth0. If you are installing fuppes on a server with extra then one community adapter, choose the one that meant on your local network. Now that you have set your network connection it's best to have one thing that resembles the text below.

FUPPES - 0.646

the Free UPnP Entertainment Service

== lib/ContentDirectory/VirtualContainerMgr.cpp (56) :: Mon Nov 2 14:35:40 2009 ==
no vfolder.cfg file available

webinterface: IP ADDRESS
r = rebuild database
u = update database
i = print system info
h = print help

press "ctrl-c" or "q" to quit

Press CTRL + C to stop Fuppes.

Now let's edit and optimize the fuppes.cfg file so that Fuppes will be capable of discuss to our totally different media shopper hardware resembling a Xbox 360 or Playstation 3. For more information on configuring and tweaking Fuppes media server on Ubuntu 10.04 Karmic. Additionally we'll create a vfolder.cfg file.

vi /root/.fuppes/fuppes.cfg
vi /root/.fuppes/vfolder.cfg

The ultimate job that must be accomplished is allowing Fuppes media server to automatically begin at boot time. Run the following commands in your terminal program.

mkdir /etc/fuppes
mkdir /var/lib/fuppes
cp ~/.fuppes/fuppes.cfg /etc/fuppes
cp ~/.fuppes/vfolder.cfg /etc/fuppes
cp ~/.fuppes/fuppes.db /var/lib/fuppes

For safety reasons add the next following user and group.

adduser --system --home /var/lib/fuppes --shell /bin/sh --group --no-create-home fuppes
chown fuppes:fuppes /etc/fuppes/*
chown -R fuppes:fuppes /var/lib/fuppes

Now that you've got copied your fuppes.cfg file to /etc/fuppes and have created the person group referred to as fuppes, you'll now need to create the startup file for Fuppes by typing within the following command.

vi /etc/init.d/fuppesd

Copy and paste the /etc/init.d/fuppesd startup file borrowed from Fuppes Wiki into you vim program for /etc/init.d/fuppesd. Once you have created and saved your Fuppes boot file, all you need to do is run the next commands.

chmod +x /etc/init.d/fuppesd
update-rc.d fuppesd defaults 60
/etc/init.d/fuppesd stop
/etc/init.d/fuppesd start

Thats it you've got now just installed Fuppes media server from supply onto your Ubuntu 9.10 server or desktop. To configure or edit Fuppes simply keep in mind all you should do is edit the /etc/fuppes/fuppes.cfg file. Or you can also type your ip deal with plus the port number you set for Fuppes in the fuppes.cfg file into your net browser.
** The time is base on America/New_York timezone
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