
Niche Product Marketing 0 0

Last updated on Feb 06, 2018 00:45 in Sales
Posted Byadmin

Niche product marketing comes in two stages, first finding the niche and then it's about traffic, traffic, traffic. You have your blogs, Squidoo lens etc all going on so you just need to get people to actually check them out. How do I get traffic? It's one of the most asked questions in marketing. You may have heard of SEO's, pays per click, just to mention a couple. These all boil down to time and money. Twitter is a way to do your niche product marketing free and easily.

However there is a right way to use Twitter for your niche product marketing. Its no good tweeting all day if no-ones listening. You need to get together an audience that are actually interested in your niche in the first place. If you already have a Twitter account running you will know that your live post stays there for a matter of seconds, thats all you get. Your followers are vital. Its no use having thousands of followers if only a small handful, if any, are actually interested in your niche.

If you are an internet marketer with a number of different niches, so that you don't confuse or 'put-off' your followers you need to look at setting up a twitter account for every niche separately. This will ensure when someone checks out your profile its all about the same niche (subject). If a follower checks out your profile only to find that you have about 20 different niche subjects going on, it will put them in the mind that you are a 'jack of all trades but master of none' kind of twitterer. It will clearly show that you maybe aren't as experienced as maybe the follower first thought on that subject. How can you be? You have 20 different things going on. Whilst Twitter is an excellent way for niche product marketing, it needs to be used correctly or you are just wasting your time and energy.

** The time is base on America/New_York timezone
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